Recommended Books Robot Books

Kits and Toys
 Robot Kits
 Stiquito Kit
 Robot Toys
 Solar Kits
 Robot Arms
 Basic Stamp Kits
 Lego MindStorms

 Beginners Books
 Hobby Robots
 Robot Sports
 Robot Minds
 Books for Kids
 Robots at Work
 Advanced Books
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 Robot Motors
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When this web site first went live in 1998 we listed about 30 books that we felt were the best available titles for hobbyists and enthusiasts. Since then the public's interest in robotics has skyrocketed and the publishers have followed with a flurry of robotics books to satisfy the new demand.

We try to list all the books, kits, and toys that we feel are worthwhile and we now offer over 300 items. This is a great resource for a person looking for a new project, but deciding which book would be best for you can be difficult. For that reason we have put together this page listing our favorite books in each category. We think that all the books we offer are good but a few stand out from the rest. Choose a few books from the list below and you can't go wrong!

   Recommended Books


Beginners Books
Robot Builder's Bonanza : 99 Inexpensive Robotics Projects
Robot Building for Beginners
Stiquito For Beginners : An Introduction to Robotics

Intermediate Books
Build Your Own Humanoid Robots
Insectronics : Build Your Own Walking Robot
Junkbots, Bugbots and Bots on Wheels
Intermediate Robot Building

Advanced Books
Mobile Robotics : A Practical Introduction

Robotics Sports
Build Your Own Combat Robot
Gearheads : The Turbulent Rise of Robotic Sports

Programming Robot Controllers with CD-ROM

Building Robot Drive Trains
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook

Robot Minds
Vehicles : Experiments in Synthetic Psychology
The Age of Spiritual Machines

Kids Books
How to Build Your Own Prize-Winning Robot Ages 13 to 18
Robot Ages 9 to 12

Robots at Work
Robo Sapiens - Evolution of a New Species


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Books for Kids  |  Robots at Work  |  Mars Robotics  |  Advanced Books  |  Recommended  |  Roboxers  |  Robot Kits
Solar Kits  |  Robot Arms   |  Robosapien  |  Basic Stamp  |  BioHazard  |  Robot Toys  |  Muscle Wires  |  Lego Mindstorms
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