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From the factory floor to the surface of Mars, people are using robots to actually do things. Robotic dinosaurs are in movies and micromachines inch their way through tubes no wider than a pen. These are just a few examples of robots that are hard at work. These silicon-and-steel laborers specialize in tasks that are dangerous, tedious, or impossible for humans to perform. If the subject of the book is robots that produce, you will find it in this section. Visit our Robot News section for articles about working robots that have made headlines!



   Mars Pathfinder, NASA Sojourner Rover, the First Rover on Mars

Mars Exploration Rovers 2003-2004
Visit our new Mars Robotics section for a look at the Mars Exploration CD-ROM featuring the Spirit and Opportunity rovers.

Millions of viewers watched in fascination as the Mars rovers maneuvered around the Red Planet's surface like interplanetary dune buggies, sending back pictures of rocks and boulders. The books in our Mars Robots section detail that incredible mission plus other missions to Mars before and since.




   CNC Robotics : Build Your Own Workshop Bot

CNC RoboticsBuild your own workshop robot at an affordable price with CNC Robotics.

Nothing improves efficiency in a wood or metalworking shop like a CNC (computer numerical control) robot. But if you've priced one, you know the cost is a whopping $7,500 or more. Even plans on the Internet are expensive -- and you can't tell if they suit your needs until you've forked over hundreds of dollars. Now for the first time you can get complete directions for building a CNC workshop 'bot for a tiny fraction of that cost.

CNC Robotics gives you step-by-step, illustrated directions for designing, constructing, and testing a fully functional CNC robot that can be customized to suit your purposes exactly. Written by an accomplished workshop bot designer/builder, this book gives you:

* Start-to-finish illustrated instructions
* Guidance on installing easy-to-understand Windows software for controlling your 'bot
* Plenty of time-saving tips, tricks, and pictorial help along the way
* Scaling and customizing instructions for building just the robot that you want
* Sources for easily obtained parts
* A complete course in workshop bot design and construction, perfect for courses or industry

Build your own workshop 'bot with CNC Robotics and bring speed, precision, and automation to your workbench or enterprise.



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   Robo Sapiens - Evolution of a New Species

Robo SapiensAround the world, scientists and engineers are participating in a high-stakes race to build the first intelligent robot. Many robots already exist--automobile factories are full of them. But the new generation of robots will be something else: smart machines that act like living creatures. When they are brought into existence, science fiction will have become fact.

What will happen then? With our prosthetic limbs, titanium hips, and artificial eyes, we are already beginning to resemble our machines. Equally important, our machines are beginning to resemble us. Robots already walk, talk, and dance; they can react to our facial expressions and obey verbal commands. Robotic spiders, crabs, geckos, and dogs are already spilling from the laboratories. When they take the next step and become fully autonomous, what will they do? Will we be partners or rivals? Could we meld into a single species--Robo sapiens?

In Robo Sapiens, Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio present the next generation of intelligent robots and their makers. Peter Menzel's award-winning photographs have been published in Life, National Geographic, Time, and Smithsonian. Accompanying the brilliant photographs of more than one hundred robots is an account of the little-known, yet vitally important scientific competition to build an autonomous robot.

The beautiful full-color, full-page images of the individual robots featured in this book are too numerous to list, but some of the highlights are: The Honda walking robot, Robosaurus - the 58,000 pound car crushing entertainment robot, Rodney Brooks' COG and Kismet, several walking robots from the MIT Leg Lab, dozens of cutting-edge Japanese robots, underwater robots, flying robots, snake robots, hobby combat robots, Mark Tilden's BEAM robots, several NASA robots and rovers, stair climbing and sewer crawling robots, toy robots, surgery robots, and just about every other robot that has been in the news in the past five years.

Robo Sapiens - Evolution of a New Species features extensive interviews with robotics pioneers, anecdotal "field notes" with behind-the-scenes information, and easy-to-understand technical data about the machines. Robo sapiens is a fantastic field guide to our mechanical future.

"This is one of the most mind-stretching and frightening books I've ever read. It's also a tour de force of photography: the images reveal a whole new order of creation about to come into existence."  -Sir Arthur C. Clarke

We recommend this book!

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   21st Century Complete Guide to Robotics, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Research on Mars Rovers, Space Telerobotics, Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems (SPAWAR), Research on Ground-based and Advanced Undersea Robot Technology, UAVs (CD-ROM)

nasa_guide_robotics.jpg (11797 bytes)This electronic book on CD-ROM provides a comprehensive guide to robotic research, focused on the work of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems (SPAWAR) division. JPL is NASA's lead center for creating robotic spacecraft and rovers, building smart machines that can perform complicated tasks millions of miles from home. A prime example of JPL expertise: Spirit and Opportunity, the twin Mars Rovers which began their exploration of Mars early in 2004.

JPL technology highlighted here includes:
Cryobot: A cryobot is a vehicle which moves through ice by melting the ice wall directly in front of it and taking measurements of the encountered environment, and sending the collected data or images to the surface of the ice.

ROBOT WORK CREW: Site construction operations by autonomous robotic systems are essential for a sustained robotic presence and human habitation on Mars. JPL has developed a software and hardware framework for cooperating multiple robots performing such tightly coordinated tasks.

CLARAty: Developing and implementing a comprehensive control architecture for multiple, disparate, interacting, planetary rovers. The control of these systems will utilize the architecture to implement artificial intelligence techniques for autonomous sequence planning, error handling, and recovery during surface operations in an unknown terrain.

Urbie: Tactical Mobile Robot. Urbie's initial purpose is mobile military reconnaissance in city terrain but many of its features will also make it useful to police, emergency, and rescue personnel. The robot is rugged and well-suited for hostile environments.

The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego has been involved in various aspects of robotics since the early 1960s. The Advanced Systems Division develops land and air robots, while the Ocean Systems Division works on underwater robots.

Includes twelve video clips in mov, mpeg, and ram formats showing JPL robots at work.


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   21st Century Complete Guide to Military Research and DARPA (Two CD-ROM Set)

21st Century Complete Guide to Military Research and DARPAThe full title of this two CD-ROM set is "21st Century Complete Guide to Military Research and DARPA, Cutting-Edge Science and Technology Research by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) on Future Combat Systems, Micro-devices, Exoskeletons, Photonics, Unmanned Vehicles, Bio-molecular Motors, and Robotics"

This book-on-a-disc is a comprehensive collection of documents and papers from DARPA and the Air Force on current research programs on the cutting edge of high tech. DARPA is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense, managing and directing basic research and pursuing technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for military missions. Air Force research covered in this collection includes AFRL/VA Air Vehicles, Directed Energy, Human Effectiveness, Propulsion, and Space Vehicles.

This set of CD-ROMs is designed to provide a convenient user-friendly reference work, utilizing the benefits of the Adobe Acrobat PDF format to uniformly present thousands of pages that can be rapidly reviewed or printed. Vast archives of important government information that might otherwise remain inaccessible are available for instant review. This CD-ROM makes an ideal reference work and educational tool, and is indispensable for any military enthusiast or technology specialist!

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   Digital People : From Bionic Humans to Androids

Digital People : From Bionic Humans to AndroidsRobots, androids, and bionic people pervade popular culture, from classics like Frankenstein and R.U.R. to modern tales such as The Six Million Dollar Man, The Terminator, and A.I. Our fascination is obvious - and the technology is quickly moving from books and films to real life.

In a lab at MIT, scientists and technicians have created an artificial being named COG. To watch COG interact with the environment - to recognize that this machine has actual body language - is to experience a hair-raising, gut-level reaction. Because just as we connect to artificial people in fiction, the merest hint of human-like action or appearance invariably engages us.

Digital People examines the ways in which technology is inexorably driving us to a new and different level of humanity. As scientists draw on nanotechnology, molecular biology, artificial intelligence, and materials science, they are learning how to create beings that move, think, and look like people. Others are routinely using sophisticated surgical techniques to implant computer chips and drug-dispensing devices into our bodies, designing fully functional man-made body parts, and linking human brains with computers to make people healthier, smarter, and stronger.

In short, we are going beyond what was once only science fiction to create bionic people with fully integrated artificial components - and it will not be long before we reach the ultimate goal of constructing a completely synthetic human-like being.

It seems quintessentially human to look beyond our natural limitations. Science has long been the lens through which we squint to discern our future. Although we are rightfully fearful about manipulating the boundaries between animate and inanimate, the benefits are too great to ignore. This thoughtful and provocative book shows us just where technology is taking us, in directions both wonderful and terrible, to ponder what it means to be human.

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   Robot Companions : MentorBots and Beyond

Robot CompanionsInside Robot Companions you'll find all the details, plans, and information you need to make a robot partner part of your daily life, at a price you can afford. Author E. Oliver Severin, originator of some of the technologies that make robots friendly, useful, and educational, shows you how to find or build your own robot helpmate -- either from commercial kits or an assembly of off-the-shelf parts.

With Robot Companions, you'll learn how to build your own robot for purposes such as companionship, supervision of the elderly, tutoring the young, doing household chores, and much more. The book delves into essential enabling technologies such as mobility, voice, communications, touch, sight, and smell response so you'll understand the mechanics behind form, function, and "personality."

If you're looking for an industrious machine to help with the housework, care for the kids, even watch over aging parents without complaint, Robot Companions belongs on your shelf.


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   Service Robots

Service RobotsThis beautifully illustrated book provides an overview of the developments in the use of robots in the service industry worldwide.

What is a service robot?  In the evolution from industrial robots to human-like personal robots, these so-called service robots represent the halfway point. They are mobile, manipulate things, interact with people, and carry out tasks independently that must otherwise be done by humans. They do not manufacture industrial goods, instead they perform tasks for people - they perform services.

The list of robots which are profiled and illustrated includes dozens of pioneering machines from around the world. Featured robots include: Smart Pump, AutoFill, Robin, and Oscar automotive refueling robots; A very cool six legged timber harvester; Tree-climbing and fruit-pickers; Agricultural and dairy robots; Teleoperated construction and digging machines; Wall-climbing robots used for painting and window cleaning; Hazardous-duty robots; Autonomous vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers; Aircraft and ship cleaning robots; Office mail distribution and trash disposing robots; Pipe inspection machines; Surveillance robots for security and law enforcement; Tiny military Micro Air Vehicles; Firefighting robots; Automated trash sorting machines; Mortimer the robotic butler; Espresso bots; Robotic bartenders; Hobby and recreation robots; Automated golf caddies; A tennis ball collector; Animatronics used in movies and entertainment; Underwater robots; Space robots and planetary rovers; And robots used in medicine, surgery, and nursing care.

The machines in this amazing list are lavishly illustrated with copious full-color photographs. The authors have done a fantastic job of cataloging the cutting-edge of service robots worldwide. Everyone from professional roboticists to amateur robot and technology enthusiasts will find this book fascinating.


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   Beyond Webcams : An Introduction to Online Robotics

Beyond Webcams : An Introduction to Online RoboticsRemote-controlled robots were first developed in the 1940s to handle radioactive materials. Trained experts now use them to explore deep in sea and space, to defuse bombs, and to clean up hazardous spills. Today robots can be controlled by anyone on the Internet. Such robots include cameras that not only allow us to look, but also go beyond Webcams: they enable us to control the telerobots' movements and actions.

This book summarizes the state of the art in Internet telerobots. It documents eighteen projects with sufficient engineering detail to allow readers to understand how these systems are designed, how they function, and the engineering challenges they solve. It includes robots that navigate undersea, drive on Mars, visit museums, float in blimps, handle protein crystals, paint pictures, and hold human hands.

Part one introduces telerobotics and considers several remote manipulation systems. Part two features mobile robots that can be directed to move around in a remote environment. Part three focuses on issues related to control and time delay. Part four describes more novel applications from painting to chemistry. Beyond Webcams offers the best source of information for those who would like to set up their own online robots.

Also by Ken Goldberg:
The Robot in the Garden (Robotics, telepresence, and engineering)
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics

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Telerobotic Applications

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   Robot Evolution : The Development of Anthrobotics

Robot EvolutionA lavishly illustrated, nonmathematical guide to robotic mechanical devices. Robot Evolution : The Development of Anthrobotics is both a comprehensive history of human-like robots, and a technical guide to robot design. You'll find photos and technical descriptions of almost every important advance in robotics in the last 2000 years.

Whether providing detailed design analysis of walking machines or comparing the relative strengths of Tungsten and Titanium, Mark Roshiem weaves hard engineering data and clear insightful descriptions into a wonderfully readable book. Separate chapters are devoted to robot arms, wrists, hands, and legs.

The author, who designs robots for NASA, is the inventor of the truly amazing "Omni Wrist". This complex, yet elegant combination of gears, levers, and bearings, has got to be the pinnacle of mankind's robotic mechanical design achievements. Don't reinvent the wheel (or the leg), read this book!


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   Automatic Vehicle Guidance : The ARGO Autonomous Vehicle

Autonomous VehicleThis book surveys the history of intelligent vehicles, discusses some of the different approaches developed worldwide by a large number of research institutions, and presents the solutions adopted by the University of Parma in the ARGO Project. The book illustrates the problem, proposes some of the different solutions, and details the design, development, and engineering of a hardware and software platform for automatic vehicle guidance, as well as the set-up of two prototype vehicles.

The GOLD (Generic Obstacle and Lane Detection) system is presented. It is an automatic driving system with cameras and computers, which has been installed on ARGO, (a Lancia Thema passenger car). The system enables the car to drive autonomously in real traffic conditions along highways and freeways, with no need for additional specific road infrastructures.

The results of this research was demonstrated to the international scientific community and to the public in the first week of June 1998 with a journey through Italy in which ARGO drove itself along the Italian highway network for more than 2000 km. This demonstration is discussed in the book, along with a description of the main advantages and problems encountered.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part presents the motivation of this research and a brief history of the main projects launched worldwide aimed at vision-based vehicle driving. The second and third parts are related to the ARGO Project. Part II describes both the algorithms and the hardware platforms developed during the project, and presents the equipment installed on the ARGO prototype vehicle. Part III reports on the 2000 km trip and analyzes the problems encountered and the overall system performance.

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